Thursday, 2 April 2015

PTE Speaking Tips

During my first test, I was very concerned about content especially in sections for "Retell Lecture" and "Describe Image". But after my research on how they score and some of the tips from those folks who have taken the tests, fluency is the most important factor. During my first test, I used a lot of "Arr, Arr, Hmm, Hmm" because I needed time to think to give more information about the content.

But in my second attempt, I gave more attention to fluency so I actually scored 90 in fluency and overall speaking score was 88.

For "Retell Lecture", personally, it is not possible to listen and remember them all to retell. So what I did was, I jotted down what I can remember especially key points with numbers,  percentages, years, ages etc. Do not write the names but use the title or occupations instead. For example, if it's said "Dr Michale Alexendra", you just say a doctor said bla bla bla. And instead of trying to write down everything, just try to catch some full sentences. Maybe after the lecture, you might be able to get 4 to 5 sentences and that is pretty much enough for you to say in the time given. You can elaborate it by saying " the lecture privide brief information about XXX. According to the speaker, he said XXX" etc.

As for describe image, same thing applies. Pay attention to fluency more than content. Include an introduction by saying this bar chart/ pie chart/ graph/ image provides information about XXX or illustrates XXX. Then say the highest and lowest figures or key points. You can get more useful vocabulary and ideas about this seciton in below website;

As for Repeat the sentence section, you also cannot write all of them down. No time. So instead of spelling all words, you can write just one letter each for each word.
For example;

"The clinic is located on the second floor of that building infront of the shopping mall"
So instead of writing all down, you can write " T C I L O T S F O T B I O T S M"
Sorry for this poor example, actual sentences may not be that difficult. And for this seciton, the more words you can say, the more marks you get.

So anyway, Good Luck :)
If you have questions, leave a comment. Thanks

Useful phrases, sentences and formats for Essays

These are the useful sentences that I collected in my 7 months of preparation from many books, websites and my two English classes with British Council. They are for IELTS essays which have a few types. But for PTE, most of the essays are just opinion essays. So you can only refer to Opinion Essays part hat is No 1.

Use these sentences and you will definately get written discourse minimum 80. And since the vocabulary and grammer of these sentences are great, you will score high for these secitons which will help you in overall score for writing.

Good Luck. If you appreciate it or have any questions, leave a comment. Thank you.

1.     Opinion

An 'opinion' question asks for your view, not the views of other people, and you don't have to give both sides of the argument. Just make your opinion clear in the introduction, then explain it in the rest of the essay.

2.     Discussion + opinion (For and Against or Advantages and Disadvantages)

A 'discussion' question requires you to write about both sides of the argument, and you should write a similar amount for each view. If the question also asks for your opinion, you don't need an extra paragraph. Just make it clear in the introduction and conclusion which of the two views you agree with

3.     Problem + solution

Type 3 is easy. Simply write a paragraph explaining the problem(s) and a paragraph explaining the solution(s). Some questions ask about 'causes' or 'effects': these would be part of the 'problem' paragraph.


1)          Opinion Essay :


1) XXXX has become a popular leisure activity in many countries in the developed world but it has hidden risks. This essay will suggest that it is indeed dangerous and that it is likely to make consumers more self-centered/selfish and less disciplined with their money.  

2) All over the world today/In many Western countries today, it can be observed that the issue of XXX has grown in importance over the past few decades/years.

3)  All over the world today/ In many Western countries today, it can be observed that the issue of XXX has fallen in importance over the past few decades/years.

4) AIDS/Income equality/ XXX is one of the most serious issues/ dangerous problems facing lesser developed nations today/ many developed countries today/ many poverty-stricken nations today/ many underprivileged nations today/ many industrialized countries today.

5) It is undeniable that XXX is one of the most challenging issues in the Western world today.

6) Newspapers XXX, in one form or another, have been in existence for centuries, their purpose being to spread news.

7) The growing level of XXX has proven to be one of the major obstacles for humanity in the 21st century.

8) Global obesity XXX rates have been swelling over the past few decades now. This is a trend that is having a devastating effect on populations everywhere.

9) Over recent years, level of XXX unemployment has been increasing at an alarming rate.

10) XXX is certainly something which is often discussed in today’s world. Hardly a day goes by without the subject of XXX being raised in most people’s lives.
1) Some people maintain that it has a beneficial influence on our lives.
 2) This essay will express full agreement with this view and will offer reasons for this position.
3) This essay will express complete disagreement with this view and will justify this viewpoint.

First Paragraph

1)              To begin with, a variety of reasons can be offered to explain why I am /not in favour of XXX.

2)              Foremost among these is that, although it seems reasonable to suggest that XXXX, it should not be forgotten that / It is foreseeable that

3)       My view, however, is that this would lead to serious damage to the environment and alternative options need to be found.

4)    XXX is one of the key reasons why …..

5) Linked to this is the fact that ……

6) What is more, another point to be taken into consideration is that 

7) An instance illustrating this in action is the fact that ….

8) Were something to grow, then the level of XXX would move in tandem (present) / would have moved in tandem (past).

9) Had more been done to xxx then the result would be

10) Should such thing be permitted, it is argued that XXX would

Second Paragraph

1)    In addition, it is worth pointing out that it is widely held that

2)    The fact that XXX can be considered as a classic example of this occurring.

3)    What is more, another point in favour of/ a further common criticism of XXX

4)    A relevant example I would like to draw on here would be…

5)    Bans on commonly used drugs like alcohol in the past have shown they do nothing to curtail users, but just drive people underground, increasing criminal activity and creating more strain on police agencies.

6)    As the above-mentioned points make it clear, it can hardly be denied that/ it can be clearly seen that


1)    Taking these points into consideration, from a personal perspective, without a shadow of a doubt (there is not a shadow of a doubt that ), I conclude that/  I am inclined to believe that


2.Problem and Solutions


1) XXXX has become a popular leisure activity in many countries in the developed world but it has hidden risks. This essay will suggest that it is indeed dangerous and that it is likely to make consumers more self-centered and less disciplined with their money. 

2) All over the world today/In many Western countries today, it can be observed that the issue of XXX has grown in importance over the past few decades/years.

3)  All over the world today/ In many Western countries today, it can be observed that the issue of XXX has fallen in importance over the past few decades/years.

4) AIDS/Income equality/ XXX is one of the most serious issues/ dangerous problems facing lesser developed nations today/ many developed countries today/ many poverty-stricken nations today/ many underprivileged nations today/ many industrialized countries today.

5) It is undeniable that XXX is one of the most challenging issues in the Western world today.

6) Newspapers XXX, in one form or another, have been in existence for centuries, their purpose being to spread news.

7) The growing level of XXX has proven to be one of the major obstacles for humanity in the 21st century.

8) Global obesity XXX rates have been swelling over the past few decades now. This is a trend that is having a devastating effect on populations everywhere.

9) Over recent years, the level of XXX unemployment has been increasing at an alarming rate.

10) XXX is certainly something which is often discussed in today’s world. Hardly a day goes by without the subject of XXX being raised in most people’s lives.


1)       What are the underlying causes of this devastating global/phenomenon/ trend/behaviour and where might solutions to this pressing/thorny issue lie?

2)       In this essay I am going to examine the causes of this problem and outline what I believe are some possible solutions to tackle this/  eradicate this

In this essay, I am going to explore its relative advantages and disadvantages and present my opinion as to which holds more weight.


1)       To begin with, I will now consider what I hold to be the causes of this phenomenon.

2)       Foremost among these is the fact that XXX

3)       Linked to this is the fact that

4)       Yet another cause which I feel is important to point out is…

5)       An instance illustrating this in action is that / It is illustrated by the fact that

6)       Conditionals

7)       As the above-mentioned points make it clear, it can hardly be denied that


1)               Moving on to consider the possible solutions, a number of courses of action could be taken by governments and individuals. It is generally maintained that education is one of the key solutions to this issue. If the young ones understand the importance of public places and know the consequences of damaging them, the result might deter them from committing such mistakes. What is more/ In addition, having stringent rules and regulations to punish the perpetrators appropriately would certainly ameliorate the situation. Public awareness through media could also be helpful to let people know about these punishments and consequences.

2)       If people were to… then they would…

3)       Can it be said that if we were to ban smoking that this would not in some part help to solve this issue? Some might hold this to be somewhat draconian.

4)  Or would this be too harsh? Many would consider this too harsh a remedy to this problem.

5)       A relevant example I would like to draw on here would be…


1)       In addition, it is commonly believed that

2)       Since the infrastructure of a country is highly dependent on the government themselves, it is therefore clear that allocating a large budget to developing infrastructure has plenty of advantages.

3)       When it comes to spending money on protection from disasters, prevention is better than cure

4)       It is undeniable that spending money on detecting disasters early has many benefits.

5)       It is undeniable that governments should put measures in place to protect citizens’ safety

6)       It is undeniable that were the government to spend more on health, there would be less disease

7)       It is undeniable that were we to spend more on education we would have a better workforce contributing to a higher GDP.

8)       Had the government spent more on developing infrastructure the country would be better equipped to do business

9)       Had measures been put in place to protect people then such disasters would not have such great effects

10) Another step to be taken would be to

11) ......... would certainly ameliorate (make situations better) the situation.

12) It is vitally important that .........

13) Legislation should be introduced to control .........../ It is also believed that having stringent rules and regulations to punish the perpetrators appropriately would certainly ameliorate the situation.



1)       That fact that XXXX can be considered as a classic example of this occurring

2)       A recent study/survey by the ……..shows that 50% of …..

3)       Therefore/ it can be clearly seen/observed that…. The argument that XXX can be debunked (shows not true). …. It seems incontrovertible (obviously true) that


1)       In conclusion, It is undeniable ( there is no denying that fact that )that this is a phenomenon whose causes present us with a huge difficulty. It is my considered opinion that if we were to put in place some of the solutions mentioned, we would at least be on the way to solving this problem. Not only governments but individuals must also play their part to contribute to the solution of this phenomenon.

2)       We must all try harder to bring about the enactment (putting into action) of these solutions if we are to solve this problem

6)       In conclusion, it is my considered opinion that were we to put in place some of the solutions mentioned we would at least be on the way to solving this problem. Different countries are trying many different approaches and they should all be considered individually and judged by their effectiveness and humaneness


3. Discussion + opinion (For and Against Essay)


1) A matter of considerable controversy at present is the issue of whether ….or

2) It is highly debatable to assess whether XXX or xxxx should be responsible

3) Whether XXX or XXX should be held responsible for XXX….

4) XXX is an issue which frequently generates a great deal of heated debate, with supporters maintaining that it is vital in order to protect society, while opponents claim that it is an unjustifiable restrictions of public access to information.

5) XXX is an issue which frequently generates a great deal of heated debate, with supporters maintaining that it has a fundamentally beneficial influence on our lives, while opponents claim that it has several detrimental effects as well

6) However, it is highly debatable whether it is more important than any other considerations, such as health and personal happiness, which some people consider to be of greater significance

7) The argument that technology will completely replace the teachers in the classroom is a subject that is both supported and refuted by many.

8) Both sides of this contentious issue will be put under scrutiny in the essay below, and my opinion as to which holds more weight will be given.

First paragraph

1)            Turning, to being with, to the arguments put forward by critics/advocates or those who advocate the xxx and they believe that the negative aspects/benefits of XXX are manifold.

2)            Foremost among these is that it is commonly held that /

3)            Linked to this is the fact that

4)            Another point which I feel is important to point out is that

5)            Also of some significance is

6)            An instance illustrating this in action is that

7)            Conditions

8)            As the above-mentioned points make clear, it can hardly be denied that ….

Second Paragraph

1) Moving on to consider the opposing arguments put forward by critics/advocates/ on the other side of the fence, they claim that

2) Were a ban in place, would it really prevent people from smoking XXX?

3) The fact that XXX can be considered as a classic example of this occurring.

5) Conditions (Were XXX to V1 or Had we/people/more…not/V3, then …..

6) A relevant example I would like to draw on here would be…

7) A further common criticism of

8) What is more, another point in favour of / against is …..

10) A recent study/survey by the ……..shows that 50% of …..

11) Therefore/ it can be clearly seen/observed that…. The argument that XXX can be debunked (shows not true). …. It seems incontrovertible (obviously true) that


1) In conclusion, weighing all the arguments up against each other, there are strong and valid points on both sides of the fence and a balance should be sought.  We should steer a middle course between these opposing sides, providing smokers with smoking areas in public places which could be easily avoided by non-smokers.

2) However, It is my considered opinion that ..we/people should steer a middle course between these opposing sides


4. Advantages and Disadvantages


1) A matter of considerable controversy at present is the issue of whether ….or

2) It is highly debatable to assess whether XXX or xxxx should be responsible

3) Whether XXX or XXX should be ….

4) XXX is an issue which frequently generates a great deal of heated debate, with supporters maintaining that it is vital in order to protect society, while opponents claim that it is an unjustifiable restrictions of public access to information.

5) However, it is highly debatable whether it is more important than any other considerations, such as health and personal happiness, which some people consider to be of greater significance

6) The argument that technology will completely replace the teachers in the classroom is a subject that is both supported and refuted by many.

7) Both sides of this contentious issue will be put under scrutiny in the essay below, and my opinion as to which holds more weight will be given.

8) This essay will explore the relative advantages and disadvantages of XXX


1)    Turning, to being with, to the arguments put forward by critics/advocates/those who advocates and they ascertain that the benefits/negative aspects of XXX are manifold. To begin with, a variety of advantages can be put forward for XXX

2)    Foremost among these is the establishment of

3)    Linked to this is the fact that

4)    A further benefit involves the building of

5)    An instance illustrating this in action is that / It is illustrated by the fact that

6)    Conditions (Were XXX to V1 or Had we/people/more…not/V3, then …..

7)    As the above-mentioned points make it clear, it can hardly be denied that/ the heightened benefits of this opinion regarding the role of XXX can clearly be seen


1)       Moving on to consider the arguments put forward by critics/advocates/those who advocate the xxx, they argue that, despite the advantages/ positive effects of/ mentioned above, it should also not be forgotten that it has hidden risks/ there are numerous advantages of XXX/ the hidden risks of XXX should not be forgotten.

2)    The first reason/negative impact I wish to consider is that , is the fact that

3)    Were a ban in place, would it really prevent people from smoking XXX?

4)  The fact that XXX can be considered as a classic example of this occurring.

5)    Should such thing be permitted, would it really prevent from xxx?

6)    Conditions

7)               A relevant example I would like to draw on here would be…

8)    Moreover, some critics/ scientists/ experts are in favour of / oppose the view of/

9)    A further common criticism of

10) What is more, another point in favour of / against is …..

11)  What is more, another negative aspect of …. Is that

12)  A recent study/survey by the ……..shows that 50% of …..

13)  Therefore/ it can be clearly seen/observed that…. The argument that XXX can be debunked (shows not true). …. It seems incontrovertible (obviously true) that


1) In conclusion, weighing all the arguments up against each other, there are strong and valid points on both sides of the fence and a balance should be sought.  We should steer a middle course between these opposing sides by providing smokers with smoking areas in public places which could be easily avoided by non-smokers.

2) However, It is my considered opinion that ..we/people should steer a middle course between these opposing sides/  that the advantages considerably outweigh the disadvantages


1)    Is likely to ….XXX is likely to cause problems such as XXX

2)    Most teenagers are considerably less XXX than they did in the past

3)    Women XXX are far more intelligent XXX than menXXX

4)    Ever-growing, never-ending, ever busier …. Working lives are becoming ever busier

5)    There seem to be ever growing rise in the price of food

6)    Will definitely be, could easily be, may turn out to be

7)    It seems to be the case that, it is well known that

8)    As for the educational aspect

9)    From an economic standpoint/ From employers’ standpoint,

10) From a political point of view

11) As far as health is concerned

12) From a historical standpoint

13) Regarding the moral implications of

14) It is fairly easy to comprehend that

15) It is my firm belief that

16) In contrast, it must be admitted that

17) It is likely/ foreseeable that

18) People/governments should focus their attention to overcome the problem of / to eradicate XXX

19)  To reduce the impact of

20) By Ving, governments/we can ensure that

21) It is, therefore, predicted that

22) The effects of these XXX tend to manifest themselves on health issues

23) It is unfortunate that

24) Regardless of the fact that

25) One most compelling evidence/reason is that

26) Consequently/ As a result

27) Nevertheless/ However/ Therefore/ Moreover

28) As history has shown

29) In most aspects of people’s lives

30) It is undeniable that globalization has resulted in both positive and negative effects which must be addressed accordingly

31) XXX has contributed to the world’s economies in many beneficial way

32) It is widely maintained that it is advantageous that

33) Social aspect

34) Risk and danger of epidemic diseases

35) Epidemic (widely prevalent) widespread

36) Responsible and respectful children who in turn mature into respectful adults

37)  Eventually, they have to resort to

38) Long-term solution/ short-term

39) These problems result from the fact that

40) In some industrialized countries, it is not unsual/uncommon to

41) Nowadays, it is becoming more and more common to

42) Allocating a large budget to computers/xxx

43) The human race, the mankind,


infringe on,

deterrent, deter,

splurge out on,

good/bad influence on,

negative impacts/aspects,

vitally important role,

it’s important to realize that ,


44) The Third World Countries,

 begin to embrace western culture,

 public transport,

 school work,

 need watchful eye,

XXX should be made known to public so that ,

 stringent rules and regulations,

youngsters, adolescents, the young ones, pupils, students, children,

detrimental effects,


leading to obesity or other implications to their physical development,

develop better social skills by interacting with their peers.

 As far as physical development is concerned,

become more confident in communicating with others, wasting time on computer games,

beneficial to our personal well-being.

45) The growing level of aging populations would mean that governments would have to spend more on their welfare systems which in turn would require average citizens to pay more tax.

46)  We should steer a middle course by leaving this decision to each individual as it should only be their decision to do so.

47) However, it is highly debatable whether it is more important than any other factor such as how it can contribute to the society.

48) My considered opinion is that choosing a job is a personal decision and should be left to individuals.

49) May strengthen the ties between nations. As a result, these nations would be able to benefit from better relationships developed among each other.

50) Governments should consider holding such events only if they can afford to do so without compromising the welfare of their citizens.

51) It is worth pointing out that

52) It is often argued that

53) It seems reasonable to suggest that

54) It is particularly significant that

55) It could be argued that

56) It is likely that

57) There is a strong likelihood that

58) There are those who maintain that

59) One could say that/ One must remember that

60) One could draw the conclusion that

61) In contrast but “on the contrary”

62) Somoking/too little exercise is a contributory factor in in many diseases such as cancer and heart disease.